Zakat and Tax Training in Saudi Arabia

Course Overview

Zakat and Tax Training in Saudi Arabia aims to provide full knowledge on Zakat and income tax in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and all the rules and procedures related to them.

In addition to that, this course Saudi Zakat and Tax Training in Jeddah aims to professionally prepare participants through practical aspects of zakat and tax laws applicable in the Kingdom and to full understand Zakat and taxation mechanisms.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand the basic fundamentals of Zakat and Income Tax Law.
  • Learn how to fill in Zakat and Tax Declaration and timing.
  • Know the attachments required with the Zakat and Tax Declarations.
  • Be able to read the financial statements to determine the Zakat and Tax Base.
  • Learn how to calculate the Zakat and Tax adjusted net profit/loss.
  • Learn how to calculate the Zakat and Tax Base
  • Acquire scientific knowledge of the general framework for accounting for zakat and taxation
  • Acquire analytical skills through the application of theoretical concepts acquired on a variety of practical situations
  • Develop critical thinking through the development of students’ abilities to choose the bases and appropriate for various zakat and tax transactions accounting rules skills
  • Develop students’ skills in dealing with the rules of information through the preparation of research on the subject of the study

Who must attend

The Zakat and Tax Training in Saudi Arabia is designed for finance, tax specialists, tax managers, accountants, auditors, financial analysts, and financial controllers in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Topics Covered

  • Fundamentals of Zakat and Income Tax Law
  • The concept, characteristics and goals of Zakat
  • Adjusted net profit/loss
  • Determining the Zakat and Tax Base
  • Types of Zakat and Tax Declaration and timing
  • Zakat regulation
  • Income Tax Law
  • Tax Filing and compliance procedures
  • Fixed assets and depreciation
  • Withholding Tax
  • Natural Gas Investment Tax
  • Tax Treaties
  • Saudi income tax calculator
  • Saudi income tax rates for expatriates
  • How to file Saudi income tax return
  • Saudi income tax laws for foreign workers
  • Saudi income tax refunds for expats
  • Income tax exemptions in Saudi Arabia
  • Saudi income tax for self-employed individuals
  • Saudi income tax for freelance workers
  • Saudi income tax for remote workers
  • Saudi income tax for non-residents

Accounting for Zakat and Taxes

  • This course also includes definition of the rules and accounting systems of Zakat, as well as the foundations and accounting systems of Taxes in the light of the Zakat system and income tax and their application in Saudi Arabia.
  • Accounting for Zakat
  • Accounting for Zakat exploited
  • How to do accounting for Zakat Trade Offers (individual enterprises – companies)
  • Work procedures relating to the interests of the Zakat and Income (filing the return – examination – link – objection – Appeal)
  • The concept of properties and tax goals
  • The difference between the tax and zakat (similarities and differences – a combination of both)
  • The difference between tax evasion and double taxation
  • The structure and properties of the tax system in Saudi Arabia
  • Fines under the new tax system
  • Tax accounting rules on the activity of the liberal professions and crafts
  • Tax accounting rules for individual installations
  • Case Study in Zakat and Tax Declaration

Business Ethics

  • Anti-Money Laundering Practices and taxes
  • Accurate Books and Records

Participants will Get