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Responsibilities in case of Terrorists’ Lists under UAE AML Law

Regulations on Terrorists’ Lists under UAE AML Law, AML Training Dubai

Responsibilities in case of Terrorists’ Lists under UAE AML Law

Responsibilities in case of Terrorists’ Lists under UAE AML Law: The procedures of implementing the Cabinet’s resolution No. (20) of 2019 concerning the regulations on Terrorists’ Lists; and implementing the Security Council’s Resolutions (this also includes Anti Money Laundering Law of UAE) concerning the prevention and suppression of terrorism, terrorism financing and proliferation financing.

Functions and Responsibilities of the Office

The Office, and for the purposes of implementing the provisions of the Resolution, shall have the following functions:

Conduct the required procedures to implement the resolutions of the United Nations Security Council pursuant to chapter VII of UN convention on Terrorism, Terrorism Financing, Prevention, Suppression and disruption of Proliferation and it is financing and other resolutions without delay and without tipping off.

The Office will inform, via the Portal, the security agencies and the supervisory authorities as well as any other relevant authority, of any update in the Sanctions Lists once it is issued from the Sanctions Committee, and will inform, through email, the financial institutions and DNFBPs, in addition to a requirement of read receipt notification from both.

Conduct the required procedures to implement the resolutions of the Cabinet without delay and without tipping off. The Office will inform, via the Portal, the security agencies and the supervisory authorities as well as any other relevant authority, of any update in the Local Lists, and will inform, through email, the Financial Institutions and DNFBPs, in addition to a requirement of read receipt notification from both. 3. Publish on the website of the Office the name of Designated.

After the completion of funds freezing procedures, the Office shall notify either of the Designated in the sanctions list, residing in the State, about their listing, without delay.

They should as well, provide to the listed individual or entity either, the narrative summary directly, or the information concerning the reasons of the listing.

Such notification shall be through making such information available on the Office’s website along with description of the repercussions of having their names listed in the sanctions list; and the procedures followed by the Sanctions Committee in considering the requests of de-listing, including the possibility of submitting such requests to the ombudsman and the possibility of using part of the frozen funds in accordance with the provisions of Article (18) of the Cabinet’s Resolution No. (20) of 2019.

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