Procurement Auditing Training in Dubai

Procurement Auditing Training in Dubai is such a piece of knowledge which will enable organizations reduce costs, check and eliminate fraud, enhance performance on long term for the supply chain process in whole.

Procurement auditing is the process of evaluating the procurement process of an organization to ensure that it is compliant with applicable laws and regulations, and that it is achieving value for money.

Internal controls for procurement audit are the policies and procedures that an organization puts in place to ensure that its procurement process is effective and efficient. These controls help to prevent fraud, waste, and abuse, and they also help to ensure that the organization is getting the best value for its money.

The Procurement Auditing Training cover the following main topics:

  • The principles of procurement auditing
  • The different types of procurement audits
  • The procurement process
  • Procurement laws and regulations
  • Value for money
  • Fraud prevention
  • Auditing techniques
  • Report writing

If you are interested in becoming a procurement auditor, or if you want to improve your skills in procurement auditing, I recommend taking this training. Here are some additional tips for choosing a procurement auditing training course:

  • Make sure the course is accredited by a reputable organization.
  • Consider the format of the course (online, in person, or blended).
  • Read reviews of the course before you enroll.
  • Make sure the course meets your specific needs and interests.

Target Audience

  • Risk Management & Finance
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Logistics
  • Procurement
  • Manufacturing
  • Operations &
  • Distribution


  • What is procurement auditing?
  • Difference between Procurement Auditing and other audits
  • Benefits of procurement auditing

Module 1: Procurement Risks

  • 5 pillars of procurement
  • Buying methods
  • Pre-qualification
  • Tenders
  • Risk dimension
  • Procurement risks
  • Risk register

Module 2: The need for a procurement audit

  • Types of audit
  • Definitions
  • Objectives and scope
  • Who should go for a procurement audit?

Module 3: Internal control environment

  • Segregation of duties
  • Limit of authority
  • Policies & procedures
  • Independence
  • Whistle blowing

Module 4: Internal control models

Some of the key internal controls for procurement audit include:

  • Written policies and procedures
  • Separation of duties
  • Proper documentation
  • Conduct regular audits of its procurement process
  • Involve all stakeholders
  • Train staff on the controls
  • Review the controls regularly

By implementing strong internal controls for procurement audit, organizations can help to protect themselves from fraud, waste, and abuse. They can also ensure that they are getting the best value for their money.

Module 5: Audit scope and areas

  • Purchase orders
  • Contracts and agreements
  • Vendor management
  • Single source
  • Receiving process
  • Invoices and payments
  • Purchase returns
  • Inventory

Module 6: Procurement Frauds & Control Measures

  • Tenders
  • Post-contract fraud
  • Fraud control measures

Module 7: Compliance

  • Obligations
  • KYC & Anti Money laundering
  • Embargoes and black lists
  • Warranties

Module 8: Performing the audit and planning it

  • Preparation
  • Performing the audit
  • Draft audit report
  • Checklists
  • Response
  • Final report
  • Review and reporting of improvement

Read our article on Procurement Auditing: A Guide to Ensuring the Integrity of Your Procurement Processes