Call Center Agent Skills

Call center agents must have exceptional communication skills, including clear speaking voice, good listening skills, and the ability to convey complex information in simple terms. They should also be able to tailor their language to the customer’s level of understanding. This training on Call Center Agent Skills in Dubai United Arab Emirates bring all the tools to make you an effective telesales agent.

Call Agents should be able to put themselves in the shoes of the customer and understand their concerns. They should be able to handle customer complaints with patience and compassion.

This training on Call Center Agent Skills in Dubai United Arab Emirates focused on Attention to Detail as agents must pay close attention to detail to ensure accuracy in their responses and maintain customer satisfaction.

These are some of the key skills necessary for call center agents to perform their jobs effectively. By honing these skills, agents can provide a positive customer experience and help build a strong relationship between the company and its customers.

Learning Outcomes

  • Define outbound call center strategies
  • Identify the different types of buying motivations
  • Master strategic sales processes for your products, buying cycle and the buyer’s motivations
  • Learn strategies for effective communication
  • Learn advanced phone etiquette skills
  • Set benchmarks for help with managing individuals as well as teams
  • Develop strategies for increasing team motivation & morale leading to a great company culture
  • Learn how to dress for success
  • Gain valuable insight into international etiquette

Course Outline


  • Expectations
  • What is a Call Center?
  • Why Do They Call?
  • Caller Satisfaction
  • Why Do Customers Leave?
  • What The Customer Values!
  • Customer Service Professionalism
  • What Drives Our Actions?
  • Customer Service Overview
  • Customer Expects
  • How Important is Tone
  • How Meaning is Communicated
  • Voice Quality
  • Barriers to Listening
  • Communication Skills
  • Proper Phone Techniques
  • Create a Positive Telephone Image
  • Call Closing
  • Negative Phrases
  • Positive Phrases
  • Questions Types
  • Call Quality
  • Two-Way Communication
  • Barriers to Effective Communication
  • Techniques for Effective Listening
  • Putting Caller on Hold
  • Transferring the Caller
  • Closing Tie Downs
  • Professional Phrases
  • Handling Talkative Callers

Complaint Handling Basics

  • The cause of customer complaints
  • The benefits of handling complaints effectively
  • The learning value of complaints
  • Complaining customers can get angry
  • Summary and suggestions

Active Listening

  • The importance of listening
  • Passive versus active listening
  • Steps in active listening
  • Words to encourage the other person to do most of the talking

Anger Diffusion

  • Treating anger as an emotional state
  • Recognizing anger
  • Diffusing other people’s anger
  • How to apologize without admitting guilt
  • Transition from anger to diffusion

Objection Handling

  • Prerequisites to handling objections
  • Recognizing and objection
  • Handling objections
  • Moving to safer grounds
  • Summary and suggestions


  • Prerequisites to mediation
  • Recognizing the parties
  • Define your role as a third-part solution broker
  • Mediation steps
  • Mediation results
  • Summary and suggestions


  • Prerequisites to negotiations
  • Steps in negotiating
  • Understanding bargaining chips
  • Negotiation styles
  • Negotiation results
  • Summary and results