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Mandate of the Council on Terrorism Lists Regulation in UAE

Regulations on Terrorists’ Lists under UAE AML Law, AML Training Dubai

Mandate of the Council on Terrorism Lists Regulation in UAE

Mandate of the Council on Terrorism Lists Regulation in UAE: Terrorism Lists Regulation and Implementation of UN Security Council Resolutions on the Suppression and Combating of Terrorism, Terrorist Financing, Countering the Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction and its Financing and Relevant Resolutions Abrogating: Cabinet Decision No. 20 dated 25/02/2019.

Mandate of the Council on Terrorism Lists Regulation in UAE

1- For the purposes of implementing the provisions of this decision, the Council shall have the following mandate:

a- Establish one Local List or more, where it proposes the listing, de-listing or re-listing of terrorist persons and organizations and the updating of such list, whether spontaneously or upon the request of another country, or in case the State has an international obligation to list such persons or organizations.

b- Coordinate with other countries to list a terrorist person or organization in their local terrorist lists.

c- Propose the listing of terrorist persons or organizations on the Local List to the Sanctions  Committee.

d- Submit requests for de-listing terrorist persons or organizations from the Sanctions List, when it believes that such terrorist persons or organizations do not or no longer meet the designation criteria, while taking into account procedures and criteria set out in relevant UNSCRs.

e- Conduct a regular review of Local Lists in coordination with the Ministry of Justice. The Council is entitled to request any clarifications or document it deems suitable from Law Enforcement Authorities and concerned entities in the State to review such, provided that the period for review does not exceed one year.

2- The Council shall exercise its powers set forth in sub-paragraphs a, b and c of paragraph 1 of  this Article in accordance with the rules and procedures set forth in Relevant UNSCRs, whenever there are reasonable grounds for such, irrespective of the existence of criminal proceedings.

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