Advanced Leadership for Executives

Advanced Leadership for Executives: The course is equipped to guide senior management with the latest and newest thinking in Leadership, motivating and inspiring staff, dealing and maximizing generational differences within the workplace as well as assist them in generating a six month plan post program for leadership improvement.

The program should be built around a leadership assessment inventory where staff can assess themselves and learn how to:

  1. Manage and direct themselves to better leadership abilities
  2. Manage a team towards continued success
  3. Set a vision and direction for a function to ensure the platform for success for the future.

Delivery method

Discussions, brainstorming and role play

All our courses involve a thorough level of pre-assessment, including Pre-Course Questionnaires (online), Telephones or Face-to-Face interviews with key delegates &/or Stakeholders and Client briefing meetings by phone or in person.

Typically, Post-Course assessment is handled by the Client Brand’s L&D team, who often have their own Questionnaires they wish delegates to complete.

However, we can develop bespoke Post-Course evaluations should you wish.  These are often Online Questionnaires (&/or Tests) or Face to Face interviews / planning sessions. DA:

Course outline

Why Have You Come?

  • You will be asked to say what you are looking for from the course.
  • This is your opportunity to help your trainers shape the course to your specific needs.

Discussing Leadership

  • What is it?
  • What qualities or skills do you need to be a leader?
  • What kind of leader are you now?
  • What kind of leader do you want to be?
  • Where are the gaps?
  • Acknowledgement of skills that each person has already

Leadership Styles

Discussion of the pros and cons of each and any examples of World leaders who exemplify each of these and the behaviours associated with each style:

  • Transformational
  • Transactional
  • Servant
  • Commanding
  • Distributive
  • Situational


Using John Adair’s concept of Action Centred Leadership we will look at the allocation of tasks

  • Individual
  • Team
  • Organisation

Who am I?

  • Working with the ‘Style’ sheets from the preparation work you will look at:
  • How you view yourself?
  • How you’re viewed by others?
  • What are the similarities and anomalies?


  • A look at personal values, exploring how those values define us as a leader.
  • And how our behaviours as leaders are shaped by our values.

Speaking From the ‘Why’?

  • We’ll use the Simon Sinek Ted Talk on How leaders inspire action.
  • You’ll get to work on your own Golden Circle of What/How/Why.
  • Then you’ll deliver it from the outside in and the inside out.

Leadership Initiative

  • Here you will describe and work on a leadership initiative that is current for you.
  • You’ll look at defining a clear vision of how you want it to be.
  • Then spend some time on the Who, What, Why, Where, When and How of it.
  • You will identify the first 3 steps required to begin the initiative.
  • And a plan to begin the initiative that evening.

Leadership Initiative

  • Time to process your thoughts on the Leadership Initiative.
  • And any other insights overnight?

Trust and Risk

  • This is an experiential exercise to explore your response to risk and how to develop trust.
  • Developing into a discussion on delegation and responsibility.

Leadership Scenarios

  • During the remainder of the day, you will be asked to bring forward individual situations where you need some help to move things on.

We will offer a selection of tools and techniques to address those situations, including:

  • Conflict management
  • Giving difficult messages
  • Giving effective feedback
  • Mediating
  • Managing meetings

The following processes may be included depending on time and the wants of the delegates:


  • In this exercise, we will practice motivating others
  • Using your own motivators
  • Using the other persons
  • What is the difference in impact?

Making Decisions

  • Making decisions is a vital part of leadership but one that often causes consternation.
  • We begin with a look at some of the things that can go wrong with decision making before introducing some practical decision-making tools.

Change Management

  • In this exercise, we explore how different people react to change and how they can be helped back to a place of comfort.

Deliberate Misunderstanding

  • This is a group exercise in dealing with obtuse or difficult people.
  • It demonstrates how hard it can be to get your point across in the face of other people either misunderstanding you or choosing to make it difficult for you.
  • The work here will include what you can do to avoid being hooked in.

Moving & Shaking

  • Everyone will be given feedback on their personal leadership qualities as seen by other members of the group.
  • What are you going to do differently to make something specific happen in your organisation?
  • You will be helped to develop a strategy for implementing your new Leadership skills.

Personal Takeout

  • Getting really specific and using your scenarios, looking at best and worst case outcomes, what support you’ll need, backup plans, etc.
  • You will identify what will stop you putting this into practice and what support you need going forward.