Employee Accountability Training

Are your employees taking responsibility?

Identify | Credibility | FeedBack | Transparency | Truthfullness | Trust | Integrity

What is Employee Accountability?

Employee accountability is the ability of an employee to satisfy expectations and responsibilities to anyone impacted by their actions. This includes internal agents such as managers, investors and other employees but also external agents such as customers, business partners and more. Employee accountability can be difficult to measure and different expectations can be both explicit and implicit.

For both small and large organizations, success often boils down to one characteristic – people taking accountability. This means that employees, even of entrepreneurial firms, need to make minute-by-minute choices without burdensome levels of bureaucratic interference from business owners.

So the question is, Are your employees taking responsibility? Are they holding themselves accountable?

Training Objectives

  • What accountability is and what events in history have shaped our view of it.
  • The requirements for personal and corporate accountability
  • The cycle of accountability and the fundamental elements required to build an accountable organization
  • What individuals must do to become accountable
  • Skills required for accountability, including goal-setting, giving and receiving feedback, and delegation
  • Ways to build ownership in their organization
  • Why it is important to be an active participant in personal answer-ability
  • Creating an organization that is responsible
  • Making employees more responsible and developing a sense of possession for them

Course Outline

The Basics of Employee Accountability

  • Finding out if your employees really know what’s expected of them – or if they’re scraping by thinking they’re doing a great job
  • Consistency: the absolute #1 key to employee accountability
  • Promoting a sense of accountability in employees with different backgrounds and values
  • How a lack of personal responsibility negatively affects your bottom line

Delivering Effective Feedback

  • Pointing out problems and trouble spots without hurting anyone’s feelings
  • Constructive criticism – how good intentions can sometimes cause bad feelings
  • Do it now: why it’s better to give feedback immediately rather than wait until later
  • Praise-criticize-praise: a three-step plan for softening the blow of negative feedback

Fostering a Culture of Accountability

  • Rewarding success: encouraging employees to embrace accountability
  • Do as I say, not as I do; or why executives and managers who don’t take personal responsibility can’t expect their employees to

Overcoming the Blame Game

  • Pointing fingers – the negative impact it has on morale
  • Understanding why people point fingers instead of taking personal responsibility
  • The impact of attitude on the workplace and how a blame shifter can drag everyone down
  • How to handle an employee who never takes responsibility for his or her failures

Overcoming Resistance and Getting Employee Buy-In

  • Getting employee commitment and buy-in to goals, achievements, and expectations
  • Managing resistance: how to position employee accountability as a win-win for everyone on the team
  • Tips for handling sensitive and uncomfortable performance dilemmas
  • Getting employee commitment when transitioning to more accountability
  • How to handle that employee who just won’t cooperate
  • Understanding the main reasons teams don’t take responsibility

Our trainer will provide insight into why accountability is needed within an organisation and how it will benefit your employees. We are also able to provide real workplace examples and case studies to strengthen the material and empower your team to take action.

Read our blog How to ensure Employee Accountability and Ownership and How to plan for Employee Accountability