Attention to Detail Training

This highly participative workshop (Attention to Detail Training) is designed to equip delegates with the confidence, skills and knowledge to deliver the highest levels of accuracy in their role as bankers.

The attention to detail workshop considers the impact of inaccurate work and looks at individual habits, attitude and motivation and how these influence the typical types of mistakes we make. A particularly focus is towards working with text and numbers and its larger impact on the banking outcome.

Training Objectives

The aim of this workshop is to empower its delegates to develop a heightened awareness to detail and acquire a mindful task-handling competence and attitude.

Content/ Topics

The main topics covered in the workshop are:

  • Common errors and what causes us to make them
  • Impact of Habits, Attitude and Motivation on the mistakes we make
  • Importance of accuracy and detail for your and organizational success
  • Understand the larger impact of making mistakes and
  • Tips and techniques for error free working

Other topics covered will include:

  • Proof Reading and exercising care
  • Data entry and rechecking numbers
  • Planning skills and
  • Personal development – controlling your emotions.

The workshop will be delivered using direct learning, group discussions and practical activities such as: case study, exercises, role-play and feedback.

Attention to Detail Training – Course Plan

  9:00 Ice breaker

Group and trainer introduction

  9:30 Introduction of the topic
  9:40 Common errors and what causes them
10:00 Your habits, attitude and motivation
10:30 Tea Break
11:00 The importance of accuracy and detail
11:30 Activity
12:00 The larger impact of making mistakes and errors
12:30 When do you lose concentration – personal development
  1:00 Lunch Break
  2:00 Case study and discussion
  2:40 Tips and techniques for error free working:

Ø  Proof Reading with attention

Ø  Numerical accuracy: data entry and checking/rechecking numbers

  3:20 Wrap up and quiz
  3:50 Feedback please!
  4:00 Farewell

‘Quality is pride of workmanship.’

       –W. Edwards Deming

Read relevant blog on Accuracy and detail for your and Organizational Success.