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How can we pay taxes in Installments to GAZT KSA

Implementation of 3rd AML Directive, Anti-Money Laundering Training Dubai, Tax Evasion Fine by GAZT in Saudi Arabia

How can we pay taxes in Installments to GAZT KSA

A taxpayer may request payment of payable amounts of tax and penalties in installments according to the following:

a) A taxpayer should submit a written request for installments showing: amount of tax liability, the respective financial period(s), reasons for inability to pay on time, supporting documents thereof, and a specific installment plan proposal. The Department should consider the taxpayer’s request and respond to it within 30 days.

b) The installment period should not exceed the year(s) for which the accumulated tax is due.

c) The installments should not include any taxes and penalties withheld at source by the taxpayer to transfer to public treasury.

d) The installment approval shall be revoked if a taxpayer fails to make timely payment of two consecutive installments, or if it becomes clear that public treasury is vulnerable to loss. The taxpayer shall be notified in an official letter from the Department of the revoke of installment approval, in which case the taxpayer shall be required to make immediate full payment of remaining balance of amount payable by the taxpayer.

A delay penalty shall be imposed on instalment tax from the due date at 1 percent of underpayment of tax.

Collected amount shall first offset tax payable, then penalties. This provision also applies to other payments on accounts.

The Department’s Director General has the authority to approve payment in installments of payable taxes and penalties up to one million Saudi Riyals.

Read more blogs here and for information on ZATCA click here.

For more training courses on Tax/ VAT click here and following are other taxation related training programs for Saudi Arabia: –

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