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De-listing of Persons from Local Lists in UAE

Regulations on Terrorists’ Lists under UAE AML Law, AML Training Dubai

De-listing of Persons from Local Lists in UAE

De-listing of Persons from Local Lists in UAE: Terrorism Lists Regulation and Implementation of UN Security Council Resolutions on the Suppression and Combating of Terrorism, Terrorist Financing, Countering the Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction and its Financing and Relevant Resolutions Abrogating: Cabinet Decision No. 20 dated 25/02/2019.

De-listing From Local Lists

The Council may de-list a Listed Person from Local Lists according to the following procedures:

1- The Council shall notify the Ministry of Presidential Affairs of reasons to de-list, if it considers that the information or evidence regarding a Listed Person on the Local List no longer require their listing, and once it has verified that the reasons for the Listing no longer exist.

2- The Ministry of Presidential Affairs shall be in charge of submitting the proposal to de-list the Listed Person from the Local Lists to the Cabinet, in order for the Cabinet to decide whether to approve or reject the request.

3- The Office shall be notified of the de-listing decision referred to under paragraph (2) of the present Article, immediately upon issuance thereof, to circulate the decision, lift freezing and any other measures taken, as per its established procedures.

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