R Language Training in Dubai

Course Description and Contents

Tafleer Professional Development offers R Language Training in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. This training is an Introduction to R Programming training course teaches attendees how to use R programming to explore data from a variety of sources by building inferential models and generating charts, graphs, and other data representations.

R Programming Training Objectives

All participants will:

  • Master the use of the R interactive environment
  • Expand R by installing R packages
  • Explore and understand how to use the R documentation
  • Read Structured Data into R from various sources
  • Understand the different data types in R
  • Understand the different data structures in R
  • Understand how to use dates in R
  • Use R for mathematical operations
  • Use of vectorized calculations
  • Write user-defined R functions
  • Use control statements
  • Write Loop constructs in R
  • Use Apply to iterate functions across data
  • Reshape data to support different analyses
  • Understand split-apply-combine (group-wise operations) in R
  • Deal with missing data
  • Manipulate strings in R
  • Understand basic regular expressions in R
  • Understand base R graphics
  • Focus on GGplot2 graphics for R
  • Be familiar with trellis (lattice) graphics
  • Use R for descriptive statistics
  • Use R for inferential statistics
  • Write multivariate models in R
  • Understand confounding and adjustment in multivariate models
  • Understand interaction in multivariate models
  • Predict/Score new data using models
  • Understand basic non-linear functions in models
  • Understand how to link data, statistical methods, and actionable questions

R Language Training Outline

Overview of R Language

History of R

  • Advantages and disadvantages
  • Downloading and installing
  • How to find documentation


  • Using the R console
  • Getting help
  • Learning about the environment
  • Writing and executing scripts
  • Object oriented programming
  • Introduction to vectorized calculations
  • Introduction to data frames
  • Installing packages
  • Working directory
  • Saving your work

 Variable types and data structures

  • Variables and assignment
  • Data types
  • Data structures
  • Indexing, subsetting
  • Assigning new values
  • Viewing data and summaries
  • Naming conventions
  • Objects

 Getting data into the R environment

  • Built-in data
  • Reading data from structured text files
  • Reading data using ODBC

 Dataframe manipulation with dplyr

  • Renaming columns
  • Adding new columns
  • Binning data (continuous to categorical)
  • Combining categorical values
  • Transforming variables
  • Handling missing data
  • Long to wide and back
  • Merging datasets together
  • Stacking datasets together (concatenation)

Handling dates in R

  • Date and date-time classes in R
  • Formatting dates for modeling

 Control flow

  • Truth testing
  • Branching
  • Looping

 Functions in depth

  • Parameters
  • Return values
  • Variable scope
  • Exception handling

 Applying functions across dimensions

  • Sapply, lapply, apply

 Exploratory data analysis (descriptive statistics)

  • Continuous data
  • Categorical data
  • Group by calculations with dplyr
  • Melting and casting data

Inferential statistics

  • Bivariate correlation
  • T-test and non-parametric equivalents
  • Chi-squared test

Base graphics

  • Base graphics system in R
  • Scatterplots, histograms, barcharts, box and whiskers, dotplots
  • Labels, legends, titles, axes
  • Exporting graphics to different formats

 Advanced R graphics: ggplot2

  • Understanding the grammar of graphics
  • Quick plots (qplot function)
  • Building graphics by pieces (ggplot function)

 General linear regression

  • Linear and logistic models
  • Regression plots
  • Confounding / interaction in regression
  • Scoring new data from models (prediction)


Most Accelebrate courses are delivered as private, customized, on-site training at our clients’ locations worldwide for groups of 3 or more attendees and are custom tailored to their specific needs. Please visit our client list to see organizations for whom we have delivered private in-house training.

These courses can also be delivered as live, private online classes for groups that are geographically dispersed or wish to save on the instructor’s or students’ travel expenses. To receive a customized proposal and price quote for private training at your site or online, please contact us.

For R Language Training in Dubai for your organization contact us.