Intelligence Analysis MasterClass

Course overview

This Intelligence Analysis MasterClass Training in Dubai will explore the methods used to conduct and manage intelligence processes. It is designed for people entering the profession or those that may have experience of intelligence work but need to refresh their skills.

The course will be based on well-established principles developed from world known intelligence techniques.

Delegates will learn the theory that underpins intelligence operations in an organization.

They will go on to understand collection methods available to agencies. Analytical principles will be an important part of the course as will techniques for disseminating data.

The course will be largely practical and will require considerable student participation. Students will learn to think about problems in a different way. They will understand the influences that distort rational thinking and how to develop hypotheses in a logical systematic way.


The course will teach intelligence best practice but will also make the student challenge normal ideas and methods of working. It will instil a questioning and dynamic approach to problem solving.

The analytical techniques learned can be applied to any working environment involving problem solving from commercial to public sector at the macro and local level.

Delivery Style  50% Instructor led theory, 40% practical session, 10% Classroom discussion

Intended Audience

The course is ideally suited to those entering the intelligence community or looking to broaden their understanding of intelligence led working practices

Course Outline


  • Collection: Identifying sources of information suitable to your endeavour, forming a collection plan and running the CCIRM function efficiently.
  • Process / Analysis: What tools, techniques and expertise do I need to turn my information into intelligence? What is analysis? An overview of analytical process and identification of several key types of intelligence analysis.
  • Understanding the concept of the Intelligence cycle
  • Understanding the Principles of intelligence within a civilian and military environment
  • National Intelligence Model and how it can be applied to a wider audience
  • The importance of direction to intelligence procedures


  • Understand the broad scope of collection assets that may be available to an intelligence team
  • Understand the utility of imagery, communications and human intelligence to the collection process
  • Understand the growing role of open source intelligence and social media to modern intelligence teams. This will broaden into a discussion on the importance of big data to intelligence gatherers
  • Techniques for managing collection and the passage of data between organisations will be discussed and exercised

Intelligence processing

  • Comprehension of the various stages of the analytical process from collation, through evaluation, analysis and integration to the production of an assessment
  • Analytical techniques will encompass: the use of analytical software, statistical analysis, temporal, geospatial and link analysis techniques
  • Understanding the biases and fallacies that can affect their products and the techniques that can mitigate biases and fallacies

Practical application

  • Develop skills in written, graphic and verbal communication that enhance product dissemination
  • Understanding the best practices and skills needed for working in an intelligence team
  • Understanding the role of intelligence on operational planning