Data Analysis with Excel for Beginners

In this Data Analysis with Excel for Beginners Training in Dubai United Arab Emirates you will learn data analysis from scratch, including an introduction to essential maths and Microsoft Excel.

An introduction to the fundamentals of data analysis using Excel

Data analysis skills are in increasing demand across a huge range of industries, but if maths is not your strong suit, it can be a daunting thing to learn. This training program on Data Analysis with Excel for Beginners in Dubai has been designed with exactly that in mind. It is a complete beginner’s guide to the subject, covering the basics of data analytics, maths, and Excel fundamentals to refresh your memory and build your confidence in these areas.

You’ll explore:

  • data in life and society
  • ways to build your data literacy
  • data analysis methods
  • how to create tables and pivot tables in Excel
  • how to create data visualizations in Excel
  • the maths behind data analysis
  • how to apply basic inferential maths to your data sets.

Brush up on your mathematics before delving into data analysis

Data analysis involves applying maths – whether it’s statistics or simple formula – to data sets. This training on Data Analysis with Excel for Beginners offers you the chance to refresh your maths knowledge before you get started so that you feel confident in mathematical notation, applying summary statistics, and calculating business metrics as you proceed through the courses.

Learn how to use Excel functions for data analysis

Microsoft Excel is one of the top tools for data analysis and the built-in pivot tables are arguably the most popular analytic tool.

You will learn how to perform data analysis using Excel’s most popular features, including how to create pivot tables from a range with rows and columns in Excel. You will see the power of Excel pivots in action and their ability to summarise data in flexible ways, enabling quick exploration of data and producing valuable insights from the accumulated data.

Grow your data analysis skills

Once you’ve covered the maths behind data analytics and the Excel functions to support it, you’ll be able to grow your analytics skills more directly. This involves creating flexible data aggregations and representing data visually. Before long, you’ll be able to calculate margins and other calculations, as well as filtering data and creating reports using simple Excel formulas.

Feel confident making data-driven decisions

All of this works towards offering you more control and confidence in your data. You’ll be able to apply your new-found skills in both decision making and problem solving at work. You can even use this as a pathway into more specialised training in data analysis.

Key skills you will learn

  • Microsoft Excel
  • Decision Making
  • Mathematics
  • Data Analysis

Experience required

In order to benefit from this course, it would be helpful to have a basic understanding of how to create formulas and how cells are referenced by rows and columns within Excel.

Getting started

This course has been designed for learners who are new to Excel and to data analysis, who want to improve their skills.

You may want to advance your career, perform tasks more efficiently, or test out whether a career in data analysis is really for you.

Course Overview

Learning from scratch? This course provides an accessible entry-point into the fascinating world of data analysis.

Course Introduction

  • About this Course
  • Our Data-Driven World
  • Data Fluency
  • Your First Data Walkthrough
  • Unpacking the Walkthrough
  • Wrapping up the Week

Data Structure, Analysis and Visualization

  • Data Structures
  • Data Anatomy
  • Data Joins
  • Data Analysis Methods
  • Data Visualization
  • Wrapping up the Week

Data Analysis in Context

  • Data Analysis in Context
  • Data Ethics
  • Career Paths
  • Wrapping Up the Course

Improve your skills using Microsoft Excel and associated Excel features, to better report and analyse your data.

Introduction to Excel Table and Pivot Table Fundamentals

  • Welcome to the Course!
  • Introduction to Reporting in Excel
  • CloudSwyft Hands-On Lab 1
  • Excel Tables
  • CloudSwyft Hands-On Lab 2
  • Basic Pivot Tables
  • CloudSwyft Hands-On Lab 3
  • Wrapping up the Week

Reporting, Analyzing and Comparing Data in Excel

  • Dashboards
  • CloudSwyft Hands-On Lab 4
  • Profitability Analysis and Finding Anomalies
  • CloudSwyft Hands-On Lab 5
  • Comparative Data in Pivot Tables
  • CloudSwyft Hands-On Lab 6
  • Reporting Hierarchical Data
  • CloudSwyft Hands-On Lab 7
  • Introduction to Multi-Table Pivot Tables and the Data Model
  • CloudSwyft Hands-On Lab 8
  • Wrapping up the Course
  • Course 3

Data Visualization Fundamentals for Beginners

Gain an introduction into data visualizations to communicate your data analytics to a diverse audience.

Welcome to the Course

  • About this Course
  • Visualizations are Everywhere
  • Visualization Fundamentals
  • Visuals for Comparing and Relating
  • Visuals for Interacting and Analyzing Data
  • Wrapping Up the Week

Business Visualizations and Visualizations of Tomorrow

  • Business Visualizations
  • Business Context for Visualizations
  • Advanced Visualizations
  • The Future of Visualization
  • Wrapping Up the Course

Understand the basic maths that powers data analysis with this beginner’s course.

Introduction to Working with Data

  • About this Course
  • Introduction to Data and Variables
  • Types of Data
  • Notation
  • Means and Deviations
  • Weekly Wrap Up

Summarising and Graphically Representing Data

  • Summarising Data with Distributions and Graphs
  • Bar Graphs and Pie Charts
  • Mode, Mean and Median
  • SD vs IQR
  • Proportions
  • Weekly Wrap Up

Business Statistics and KPI’s

  • Business Statistics
  • Business KPIs
  • Introduction to Inferential Math and Forecasting
  • Course Wrap Up