Every Contact is a Customer

Winning through Customer Service

Workshop Overview

Every Contact is a Customer Training in Dubai UAE: Successful people have nothing different in them but the attitude towards life, profession and the society they live in. They have one thing in common that they do not miss the opportunities and remain positive towards their goal.

This is what we need to have to be like them. This workshop will help you identify the people who can help you in achieving your goals and how can you be more beneficial for everyone you meet. You can help others and can get help from everyone even if they belong to your profession or not.

Workshop Outcomes

By the end of training, participants will be able to identify who can help them achieve their goals and who can guide through the difficult decisions. They will learn to influence and benefit others and get the same in response while remaining positive, professional and persistent. They will learn how to enjoy a WIN WIN situation with everyone they meet even if the interests are same.

Who should attend?

Team Leaders, Associates & Executives

What is in it for you?

Do you want to;

  • Experience the technique of converting every contact into your own customer even if you are not member of customer care
  • Learn the art of achieving goals by benefiting others
  • Enjoy the height of delight without compromising your goals
  • Use your stress as a potential blessing and helping you achieve more
  • Want to enjoy a WIN WIN situation with friends, peers and even those who have just met you

Course Content

Module 1: Contacts are Customer

Defines the difference between external and internal customers, personal and professional friends and contacts and customers. It will take through the phases of developing contacts into customers. It gives a picture of

  • Who is MY customer
  • What he expects
  • How to deliver what he expects
  • How to have MORE and Multinational customers in tough competition

Module 2: Strong bonding with Customers

Discusses the methods and hindrances a professional faces in having strong bonding with the internal and external customer, especially with every contact. And will share the ways to improve the relation and developing strong bonding with every contact and every customer. It gives an insight to;

  • Out of box thinking to maintain and retain relationship with customers
  • Differences-free relationship with every contact
  • Enjoy “Height of Delight” status with every customer

Module 3: Drive your attitude

Defines what exactly the positive attitude is, how is it confused with saying “Good Work”&“Yes Boss” to everyone. Ways to have a positive attitude and to influence the subordinates and bosses equally. It guides to;

  • Remain cool and calm in tough situations
  • Understand others’ understanding level
  • Turn odd days into best days of life
  • Enjoy handling pressure& maximum output

Module 4: Enjoying Win Win Situation

Shares the method of having influential communication which takes you to lead the situation and to have a strong dream team which is on “Always available” mode. It helps in;

  • Having influential communication
  • Leading the situations
  • Sharing benefits by enjoying the status of being “the most beneficial” for all
  • Having maximum and quality customers around
  • Enjoying Win Win Situation
Develop your Dream Team
Description Medium Time
Introduction Ice Breaker 45min
·         Who is a customer & What he expects? Discussion 15min
·         Have MORE customers in tough competition Activity 30min
Break 11:00
·         Height of Delight Activity 30min
·         Enjoy resolving differences Activity 50min
·         Out of Box? What is in the box??? Activity 40min
Lunch 13:20
·         Say Basheeeeer Activity 40min
·         Attitude is the guide Chart Paper 60min
Break 15:20
·         Communicate and Influence Chart Paper 30min
·         Enjoy Win Win Situation Activity 30min
·         Count your customers Discussion 30min