Anti-Corruption and Anti-Money Laundering & Financial Crime

We offer Anti-Corruption and Anti-Money Laundering & Financial Crime Training in Dubai. It is a fact that Corruption pollutes the markets, politics and development. More than 20 billion dollars is estimated to be stolen by corrupt officials every year. Impunity and control over the territory render criminals stronger.

Honest people and in particular entrepreneurs may find more diffi cult to resist to the criminal pressures when the rule of law is undermined and criminals are stronger than the state. They will be less likely to denounce pressures, violence and extortion if they do not consider public authorities capable of protecting them and enforce the law.

Organized crime enjoys impunity when a government is unable to perform its functions, strong institutional capacity is therefore crucial to eff ectively address the phenomenon.This course is designed to help people who enforce laws and policies, those who regulate fi nancial services and put in place controls to prevent money laundering and fi nancial crime.

Course Content

  • Introduction to the money laundering regulations
  • The proceeds of crime and terrorism acts
  • The financial services and markets acts
  • Framework for anti-money laundering and anti –bribery and corruption measures
  • Preventive measures

Learning Outcomes

  • Understand craft and dynamics of corruption and money laundering
  • Be able to identify and explain the law concerning money laundering
  • Understand anti-corruption acts and the implications for economies
  • Understand enforcement of law concerning money laundering and anti-corruption
  • Understand the future trends and the rise of the anti-corruption professionals
  • Be able to explain why anti-bribery measures and procedures are essential
  • Be able to explain the concept of money laundering and understand its impact on both the financial services sector and national economy
  • Apply a holistic approach to corruption risk mitigation
  • Be able to identify potential bribery risk situations and circumstances

Read our blogs on Anti Money Laundering and Corporate Crimes.