Advanced Contract Drafting

Negotiations and Dispute Management

Advanced Contract Drafting Training in Dubai: We have developed an intensive practical program which focuses on the key drafting skills needed to create transparent and direct contracts that deliver on a legal and commercial level. The training will equip you with the skills necessary to effectively manage contractual pitfalls.

Key benefits from attending the workshop:

  • Learn how to effectively draft and use contracts minimizing risk to the company
  • Ensuring effective allocation of risks using Representation and Warranty Clauses.
  • Mastering best practices when drafting Memorandum of Understanding(MOU), Letter of Intent (LOI) and Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)
  • Reviewing the miscellaneous clauses in contracts that are often neglected
  • Overcoming ambiguity in contracts and combating major source of confusion and disputes
  • Drafting Boilerplate clauses to minimize risks and protect your company’s rights
  • Capitalizing on the importance of risk transferring clauses to avoid negligence
  • Exploring the Endgame Provisions to identify the effects and ways to deal with termination clauses
  • Understanding Negotiation Process
  • Understand how to deal with Disputes and effectively deal with dispute Resolution Process
  • Use the correct language – in Contractual Correspondence

Basic Framework

  • Understanding the basic framework of contract drafting- converting a term sheet into a contract

Rules of Interpretation in Contracts:

  • How contracts are interpreted and the sources of uncertainty in contracts
  • Dealing with ambiguity in contracts: Exploring the hidden risks and dangers
  • Exploring the importance of priority documents

Key contractual issues

Drafting and Exploring Key Contractual Clause which Deal with Allocation of Risk

  • Liquidated damages / penalty / consequential damages
  • Force majeure
  • Limitation of liability clause
  • IPR: Ownership rights in contract
  • Performance guarantee
  • Subrogation / waiver of subrogation
  • Indemnity
  • Assignment / delegation clause
  • Cumulative remedies
  • Transaction cost
  • Third party liability
  • Consequential loss
  • Negligence / gross negligence
  • Breach/Material Breach
  • Termination

Drafting Techniques using Proper Contract Language most commonly used in contracts:

  • Reasonableness
  • Consent not to be unreasonably withheld
  • To the best of its knowledge
  • Substantially in the form of
  • To the extent permitted by law
  • Notwithstanding to the contrary
  • Including without limitation
  • From time to time
  • As the case may be
  • Incorporated by reference
  • For the avoidance of doubt
  • Without Limiting the Generality of the Foregoing

Contractual Correspondence

  • Learn Contractual Correspondence  – protecting the interest of the Company
  • Model Words /Sentences

Miscellaneous  important clauses  in contract

  • Waiver
  • Entire Agreement
  • Severance
  • Amendments
  • Variations
  • Notices

Handling Complex Challenges and Risks in Contracts

  • Memorandum of understanding (MOU)
  • Letter of Intent (LOI)
  • Confidentiality Agreement and Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)
  • Drafting MOU, LOI and NDA using international best practices to be followed

Alternative Dispute Resolution: Finding the Right Way Out

  • Conflict in contracts: Addressing the right mechanism in contract before the issues becomes a dispute
  • Exploring the importance Legal Project Management
  • To litigate or arbitrate: Which should you put as your prior decision?
  • Best strategies in drafting an enforceable Arbitration clauses

– Ad hoc or non- institutional Arbitration

– Domestic and International Arbitration

– Intervention of the Court in Arbitration

Negotiations in Contract

  • What is Negotiation
  • Overview of Negotiating Approaches
  • Negotiation Styles and Ethics
  • Negotiating Strategies
  • Manipulative Ploys
  • Creative Problem Solving

Dispute Resolution

  • Alternative Dispute Resolution:
  • Conflict in contracts
  • Modal of Arbitration clauses:
  • Ad hoc or non institutional Arbitration
  • Domestic and International Arbitration

Who Should Attend:

  • Head Legal
  • Head-Contract
  • Corporate Legal Counsel
  • General Counsel
  • Chief Counsel
  • Regional Counsel
  • Legal Managers
  • Corporate Legal Advisors
  • Company Secretaries
  • Procurement and
  • Purchasing Managers