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Effective Communication Skills Training – Advanced

Course Overview 

Effective Communication Skills Training: The modern workplace continues to undergo profound changes, changes that affect employees at all levels: ever-increasing transparency and communication options; flattening management hierarchies; and greater emphasis on teamwork and global project teams.

These changes reflect constantly evolving information technology, the growth of new work environments, and the growth of a knowledge-based economy.

In this dynamic business climate, strong communication skills within organizations, with customers and between colleagues are critical for the organization and workforce to flourish.

Aims on Effective Communication Skills Training

Assist the organization to optimize performance by improving the quality and effectiveness of communication across all activities and platforms

Course Objectives

The organization will:

  • Improve internal and external communication by understanding the story
  • What is the relationship between intentions and their impact
  • Avoid blaming others
  • Managing your feelings
  • How to manage and handle difficult conversations
  • Psychological Games 

Course Outline

Module One: Understanding Stories

  • How do you perceive the world?
  • How do you make stories to make sense of what goes around you?
  • How these stories come to define your Behaviors?
  • How can you use story analysis to improve your communication with others?

Module Two: Intention Analysis

  • What are the two common mistakes made when considering intentions?
  • How to avoid these mistakes?
  • What is the relationship between intentions and their impact and how should you respond to them?
  • How should you handle intentions to get the best results?
  • What is the best way to share your intentions with others?

Module Three: Avoiding Blame

  • What is the Cycle of Blame and Disengagement?
  • What is bad about blaming others when things go wrong?
  • What should you do instead when things go wrong?
  • How to avoid blaming others?

Module Four: Feelings

  • If you feel strongly about something, how should you express yourself?
  • What happens if you don’t share your feelings with others?
  • Should you bury your feelings and get rid of them as hard as you can? Should you vent them or should you deal with them?
  • How can you use a simple formula in conversations to easily share your feelings with others?

Module Five: Difficult Conversations

  • What is the best way to express your dissatisfaction with someone?
  • How to analyze implicit messages in what you say or is said to you?
  • What is the impact of these implicit messages on people and their long term relationship?
  • How to take advantage of the 4-Steps Conversation Technique to significantly improve the quality of your conversations?

Module Six: Psychological Games

  • Why people get stuck in circular arguments and feel they should not give in to others?
  • How can you break this cycle and improve your communication skills?
  • What is the “Drama Triangle” and how can it be used to improve your communication with others?


Our blog on Guide to improve Your Communication Skills is worth reading, if you are on a mission to improve Your Communication Skills.


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