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Best KPIS for a Learning and Development Department

Best KPIS for a Learning and Development Department

Best KPIS for a Learning and Development Department


Best KPIS for a Learning and Development Department: Learning & Development focuses on continually improving the performance of individuals and groups within an organization. This process encompasses not only formal training in a classroom setting, but informal learning that occurs through mentoring, communities of practice, access to knowledge bases and the use of performance support tools.

Learning and  Development has embraced the discipline of performance consulting to identify underlying root causes of performance gaps and ensure the right solution is identified to improve individual and organizational performance.



Understanding how KPIs can be used to monitor the performance of individuals and assist management in the identification of opportunities for development of their people.

How do we develop KPIs ad measure their success?

This is where key performance indicators come into play, and they apply both at the organizational and individual levels. At an organizational level, a Key Performance Indicator (KPI) is a quantifiable metric that reflects how well an organization is achieving its stated goals and objectives.

It is important for organizations to choose the correct KPIs for business performance, it is equally useful if managers and employees define KPIs for members of their teams and aligned to the organisations strategy. This follows the common adage in management that says, “What is measured gets done.” If you set a goal around a certain outcome, the chances of that outcome occurring are much higher, simply because you have committed to managing and measuring the results.


  • Clarify participants’ understanding of KPIs
  • Overview of industry definitions for KPIs
  • Examples of KPIs
  • How KPIs benefit organisational performance & productivity
  • Understanding how to use KPIs within your management responsibility, organisation or project

Determine required outcomes from KPIs:

Strategic fit:

  • Understanding the measurement of strategy through to everyday tasks
  • How to build KPIs that will fit the organisation strategy
  • Mapping and testing KPIs against your strategy

What do organisations actually measure?

  • Examples of what and how organisations measure performance
  • Assessing the similarities and differences between KPIs across different industries

Adding value – Optimising KPIs:

  • Exploring what and how participants are currently measuring performance in their own organisations

Optimising KPIs:

  • Assessing the value of current KPIs
  • Taking a look at the data being collected to support KPIs and how useful this data actually is
  • Determining what measures to keep and what to drop
  • Identifying what other performance measures your organisation needs to support strategic decision making
  • Identifying new sources of data for enhancing KPIs

Organisations vs projects:

  • Examples of how KPIs are used in organisations and projects
  • Identifying key differences between them
  • Assessing the basis for these differences

  In-process KPIs & outcome-based KPIs:

  • Exploring the differences between in-process and outcome-based KPIs and how they are used
  • Examples to illustrate the difference between in-process and outcome-based indicators and the merits of each
  • Identifying which are in-process and outcome-based KPIs in participants’ own organisations and how they are used

It will also explore how organisations link (or don’t link) their strategic goals with the goals and measurement of individual’s performance, and how there can be significant costs and benefits of doing so.

Defining KPIs:

  • Which metrics will indicate that you are successfully pursuing your vision and strategy?
  • How many metrics should you have? (Enough, but not too many!)
  • How often should you measure?
  • Who is accountable for the metric?
  • How complex should the metric be?
  • What should you use as a benchmark?
  • How do you ensure the metrics reflect strategic drivers for organizational success?
  • How could the metrics be cheated, and how will you guard against this?
  • What negative, perverse incentives would be set up if this metric was used, and how will you ensure these perverse incentives are not created

The importance of evaluation linking to BSC and using Kirkpatrick / Addie models as examples.

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