Author Archives: Waheed Ensari

Strengths and Challenges to improve Negotiation Skills

Advance Negotiation Skills Training Session in Dubai UAE, Negotiation Training Strengths and Challenges to improve Negotiation Skills

Strengths and Challenges to improve Negotiation Skills Strengths and Challenges to improve Negotiation Skills The 4 Con model Your negotiation performance and results depend on your focus and abilities within […]

Anti-Money Laundering in Zimbabwe: A Comprehensive Overview

Anti-Money Laundering in Zimbabwe: A Comprehensive Overview

Anti-Money Laundering in Zimbabwe: A Comprehensive Overview Anti-Money Laundering in Zimbabwe: A Comprehensive Overview: Money laundering is the process of disguising the proceeds of criminal activities, so they appear to […]

What is Benchmarking in Customers Services

What is Benchmarking in Customers Services Why Feedback is important in Customer Service

What is Benchmarking in Customers Services What is Benchmarking in Customers Services: Benchmarking is the process of comparing your own organization or operations against other organizations in your industry or […]

Anti-Money Laundering in Yemen: A Comprehensive Overview

Anti-Money Laundering in Yemen: A Comprehensive Overview

Anti-Money Laundering in Yemen: A Comprehensive Overview Anti-Money Laundering in Yemen: A Comprehensive Overview: Money laundering is the process of disguising the proceeds of criminal activities, so they appear to […]

R and R-Studio Installation Instructions

data sciences training tafkeer dubai R and R-Studio Installation Instructions

R and R-Studio Installation Instructions INSTALL R FIRST THEN RSTUDIO 1) TO INSTALL R:  WINDOWS, MAC, LINUX ALL THREE GO HERE: WINDOWS ONLY R and R-Studio Installation Instructions: Click […]