Employee Counseling and Grievance Handling

This Employee Counseling and Grievance Handling Training in Dubai provides knowledge on how to conduct proper employee counselling and the key elements in an effective grievance handling process.

If not well-managed with proper grievance channels and counselling, such perceptions can lead to larger and more costly issues of productivity, business efficiency and employee dis-engagement.

Case studies on best practices will be showcased and highlighted to reinforce learning.

Course Objectives

Upon completion of this workshop, participants will be able to;

  • Acquire skills in
  • Recognizing situations where counselling is needed
  • Engaging the employee in a counselling conversation
  • Helping employees to manage workplace grievances and unhappiness
  • Helping employees to take ownership of workplace grievances and resolution
  • Understand discipline and disciplinary actions, including
  • The nature of discipline
  • Recognizing disciplinary situations
  • Types of disciplinary actions
  • Counselling for grievances and employee discipline
  • Understand the guidelines on managing grievances and enforcing discipline
  • Establishing a disciplinary and grievance handling procedure
  • Documentation and processes for handling grievances and disciplinary actions
  • Skills of an effective counseling professional
  • Acquire skills to develop codes of conduct and policies for managing workplace grievance and discipline

Course contents

Understand Counselling

  • Assessing need for counselling
  • Principles of counselling
  • Steps in the counselling process
  • Skills of counselling

Understand Discipline and Disciplinary Actions

  • The Nature of Discipline and Types of Disciplinary Actions
  • Role of Human Resource and Line Managers in Grievance Handling and Employee Discipline
  • Developing and Managing Progressive Discipline
  • How to Manage Consequences of Unresolved Grievance and Disciplinary Issues

Understand Grievances and its management

  • Recognizing grievances
  • Steps in grievance handling
  • The skills of grievance handling

Documentation and Processes for Handling Grievances and Disciplinary Actions

  • Tracking and Monitoring Non-Performance and Disciplinary Action
  • Documentation of Grievances and Disciplinary Actions
  • Boards of Inquiry and Process of Inquiry

Documentation and Processes for Handling Grievances and Disciplinary Actions

  • Tracking and Monitoring Non-Performance and Disciplinary Action
  • Documentation of Grievances and Disciplinary Actions

Develop Codes of Conduct for Managing Workplace Discipline

  • The Purpose of Codes of Conduct and their Key Elements for Implementation
  • Aligning Organisation’s Codes of Conduct to the Organisation’s Business Requirements

Developing Policies for Managing Workplace Grievance and Discipline

  • Workplace Diversity, Its Impact on the Management of Workplace Grievance
  • Managing and Influence Positive Workplace Culture to Mitigate Grievances and Promote Engagement
  • Setting Up Policies and Procedures to Support Grievance Handling and Disciplinary Actions


A practical approach will be taken with 70% of the course on application and practical sessions with 30% on techniques and concepts. Training comprises a combination of:

  • Visually stimulating sessions for bite sized learning
  • Group activities and break up discussions
  • Case studies, case scenarios and role plays for application
  • Practical worksheets

Target Audience

Human Resource Managers and Executives, All levels of management, Executives and Team Leaders