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Accuracy and detail for your and Organizational Success

Attention to Detail Training in Dubai UAE

Accuracy and detail for your and Organizational Success

Accuracy and detail for your and Organizational Success is an important aspect to explore as the ability to achieve thoroughness and accuracy when accomplishing a task through concern for all the areas involved.

Common errors and what causes us to make them

Why do we Make Them?

First Impressions: Within 30 seconds people judge your

  • Economic level
  • Educational level
  • Social position
  • Level of sophistication
  • Level of success

Accuracy and detail for your and Organizational Success

People Decision: Within 4 minutes people decide your

  • Trustworthiness
  • Compassion
  • Reliability
  • Intelligence
  • Capability
  • Humility
  • Friendliness
  • Confidence

Impact of Habits, Attitude and Motivation on the mistakes we make

How You Introduce Yourself

  • Stand up
  • Look the person in the eye
  • Extend your hand for a firm web-to-web handshake. Avoid:
    • Bone-crushing handshakes
    • “Wet fish” handshakes
    • Grabbing someone’s fingers
  • Say your name and something about yourself

Importance of accuracy and detail for your and organizational success

Data Entry and Rechecking Numbers

  • Organizes written work in a manner that is clear and easy to follow
  • Produces written material that is understandable, as evidenced by the reactions of the recipients
  • Keeps written material concise and relevant.
  • Uses proper grammar, spelling and punctuation and paragraph structure
  • Writes in a manner that commands attention and achieves desired results

E-mail Etiquette

  • E-mail only those people to whom your messages actually pertain to—don’t send mass or chain letters
  • M-ake a point of responding to messages promptly
  • A-lways use spell-check and grammar check before sending messages—be brief and clear
  • I-nclude your telephone number in your message
  • L-earn that e-mail should be used for business rather than personal use—don’t send anything you wouldn’t want to see in public

Understand the larger impact of making mistakes

General Statistics

The average business never hears from 96% of its unhappy customers.

  • 91% never come back (Accuracy and detail for your and Organizational Success)
  • Those people will tell a minimum of 4 other people
  • Getting a repeat customer from this group is 1 in 11
  • Dissatisfied customers may tell 9-10 people about their experience
  • For every positive they tell 4-5 people
  • For every complaint received the average business in fact has 26 customers with the similar concern
  • Of the customers who register a complaint, as many as 70% will do business again with your organization if the complaint is resolved effectively,
    • This figure goes up to 95% if the complaint has been resolved quickly,
  • 40% of complaints are the result from customer mistakes or incorrect expectations,
  • A complaint that is handled efficiently is actually better than no complaint at all,
    • Customers who complain and get satisfactory results are 8% more loyal than if no complaint at all,

Tips and techniques for error free working

  • Get organized
  • Learn To Plan Effectively
  • Keep Your Eye on Your Cash Flow
  • Be Courteous
  • Fine-Tune Your Communication Style
  • Learn to Love Checklists
  • Make Quality a Non-Negotiable
  • Limit Distractions
  • Don’t Multitask
  • Get Exercise

Personal development – controlling your emotions

The important thing in becoming acutely aware of your own emotions and how to manage them at the same time one must also learn how to leverage emotions to increase performance and productivity in yourself and others around you.

To achieve these goals you must adapt communication skills, based on recognising emotions in others by using new tools to deal with levels of stress and intense emotions in the workplace 

To book our training on Attention to Detail Training reach is. This training is designed to equip delegates with the confidence, skills and knowledge to deliver the highest levels of accuracy in their role as bankers.

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