Collection Recoveries in the Stressed Times

Tools and Techniques Covering Banks, SMEs, Microfinance, DFIs

Highly interactive, case studies based effective and proven to work techniques, this program on Collection Recoveries in the Stressed Times uses a very useful approach in dealing with day to day collection needs.

This training program is designed to provide practical knowledge and skills to professionals in commercial banks, digital banks, SMEs, microfinance banks and DFIs to effectively manage loan collection recoveries during stressed times.

Collecting accounts receivable without having adequate skills of negotiation could mean leaving money on the table. On the other hand understanding negotiations and not having the required collection skills could reduce performance and recovery rates.

A practical approach will be taken with 70% of the course on application and practical sessions with 30% on techniques and concepts in Collection Recoveries in the Stressed Times Training.

Learning Outcomes

Bad debt, the opposite of profit, unfortunately, is a part of doing business, but not something that cannot be managed and control to a minimum thus ensure the company stays on the right track of profitability.

  • Manage your company’s risks to minimize bad debts
  • Credit evaluation and credit limit review
  • Understanding of the credit assessment policy and its control mechanism
  • Optimal resource utilization, increased cash conversion
  • Reduced credit risk and excellent return on investment
  • Practical and engaging collection and negotiation scenarios

What you will get from this course?

  • Understand the meaning and reasons for Credit Management
  • Appreciate the important of credit policy in defining the objectives, function and responsibilities of credit department to achieve maximum profitability from trading.
  • Realize the need of credit assessment due to selective risk-taking in the interests of increasing overall profitability.
  • Establish a Collection Policy that not only ensure recovery of debts, but also provide follow up procedures in monitoring and collection of debts

Course Contents


  • The origin of credit, its role and impact on the future

The Effects of Credit

  • The financial effects of credit on cost, profits, liquidity, and the effect of bad debts on profits

Credit Management

  • What is credit management?
  • Its objectives
  • Its relationship with Sales

Credit Policy

  • Define guidelines governing the operation of credit department and is divided into two parts:
  • Policies and Procedures

Credit Assessment

  • Evaluation of credit risk of customers through analyzing information & financial statements
  • Establishing Creditworthiness
  • Basic information sources
  • In-depth information sources
  • Credit limits and terms

Credit Limit Review

  • Ad hoc and on-going review of customers

Cash Collection

  • Three parts to effective collection
  • Collection Policy
  • Collection Procedures
  • Debt Collection Agencies
  • Legal Action
  • Planning stage, Process & remedies

Who Must Attend

  • Credit Assistants, Executives & Managers
  • Finance, Accounts & Admin. Executives and Managers
  • Executives to Senior Managers
  • Marketing Professionals in-charge of collection


A practical approach will be taken with 70% of the course on application and practical sessions with 30% on techniques and concepts. Training comprises a combination of:

  • Visually stimulating sessions for bite sized learning
  • Group activities and break up discussions
  • Case studies, case scenarios and role plays for application
  • Practical worksheets
  • Interactive input & presentation
  • Case Studies and Discussions, Q&A